Guest Lecture: Cutting-Edge Translation Research Approaches
Join Zoom Meeting https://undip-ac-id.zoom.us/j/93203593887?pwd=qrLzkSgsXsWM8kfGs5Z3YQhNxAHwmp.1 Event Title: Kuliah Dosen Tamu Dalam Negeri "Pendekatan Penelitian Penerjemahan Mutakhir" Speakers: Prihantoro, S.S., M.A., Ph.D. from Universitas Diponegoro Prof....
Upcoming Guest Lecture
Achive Guest Lecture
Guest Lecture: Indonesian Discourse of Hilirisasi, An eco-logological Analysis
Guest Lecture: Recent Issues in Forensic Linguistics
Theme: Recent Issues in Forensic Linguistics Keynote Speaker: Dr. Mathew Gillings (Vienna University of Economics and Businesses) Date: 2-may-2024 Click here for the Recording and here for the Material
Visiting Professor : The Importance of Pragmatic Competence in Language Teaching and Learning
Guest Lecture: Language Documentation
Faculty of Humanities Undip is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Kuliah Umum: Language Documentation Time: Oct 27, 2023 01:00 PM Jakarta Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 975 7131 9729 Passcode: FIB2023
Guest Lecture: Current Research Issues in The Field of Natural Semantic Metalanguage and Landscape Linguistics
Via Zoom Meeting ID: 985 3799 7879 Passcode: FIB2023 Registration
Guest Lecture: How to Do Wordlist Research in Applied Linguistics
Guest Lecture : Linguistics Landscape, Introduction and Application
Guest Lecture: Multilingual Semantic Tagger
The Linguistics Masters Study Program, Faculty of Humanity, Diponegoro University will hold a webinar today, August 18, 2022, at 15:00 WIB. The guest lecturer event this time carried the theme Multilingual Semantic Tagger with Professor Paul Rayson as the speaker from...
English as a Medium of Instruction: Challenges and Opportunities
Tuesday, June 21st 2022, The Master Program of Linguistics at Diponegoro University held an online public lecture via Zoom with English for Specific Purposes as the main topic. The guest lecture is a compulsory agenda that is held every few months to increase student...
Guest Lecture: How A Language Can Destroy Environment (Ecolinguistics)
The Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University through the master program in linguistics, held a guest lecture on Monday, March 28, 2022 by zoom meeting. The speaker of this lecture is Peter Suwarno, Ph. D from Arizona State University in America. He gave a lecture...