The Master of Linguistics Program is preparing for FIBAA accreditation. The Master of Linguistics program seriously faces this accreditation which is held by an internationally reputed accreditation body. FIBAA itself is a quality assurance agency that is recognized not only in Germany, but also in Austria, the Netherlands, and Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Turkey.
In addition to having international recognition and networks, FIBAA also has reliable quality management. As an accrediting agency, FIBAA promotes quality, transparency and comparability in higher education and science. FIBAA develops adequate methods and instruments in conducting the assessment.
The Linguistics Master Program itself is currently in the procedural stage of the Self Evaluation Report, which requires independent evaluation of various aspects that will be assessed by FIBAA. The Self Evaluation Report consists of five parts consisting of 1) objectives, 2) admission, 3) contents, structure and didactical concept of the programme, 4) academic environment and framework conditions, 5) quality assurance and documentation.