Semarang—Master Program in Linguistics (MLi) Faculty of Humanities (FIB) Universitas Diponegoro organized an online general lecture under the theme “Language Documentation” on October 27, 2023.
The event invited a language expert from Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) or National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta, he is Prof. Dr. Katubi, M.Hum. The event began with an opening speech by The Dean of FIB Undip, Dr. Nurhayati, M.Hum. and The Head of MLi Undip, Dr. Agus Subiyanto, M.A. The main session of the event was a presentation from the speaker and continued by a Q&A session guided by the moderator, Dr. Mualimim, M.Hum. The general lecture is attended by students, lecturers, academicians, and the public interested in linguistics. The peak of the participants was 54 people who joined the Zoom meeting.
Prof. Katubi—his nickname explained that language needs to be codified with language documentation. He mentioned some ways that researchers, such as recording language use, digitizing language, and language archiving could do. Some applications that can be used are Adobe Premiere, IMDI, ELAN, Toolbox, Audacity, etc. The speaker also emphasized that the output of language documentation is not immediately visible, because that stuff must be done continuously to get the best result.
Through the general lecture, we hope that participants get pieces of knowledge related to an effort to document languages. Also, we hope that participants—especially lecturers and students can conduct related research or become a language documentator.